Sunday, July 19, 2009

<>< CAMP 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ><>

Hey everyone,

Well.............................................CAMP WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And by amazing I don't mean that I just had fun hanging out with friends all week, goofing off and things like that, even though I did do that and I immensely enjoyed it. But, by amazing I mean that God was definitely working in my heart and in the hearts of other teens and counselors. In the past week God convicted my heart about needing to spend more time in His word and praying to Him and less time doing things like watching TV and playing on the computer. God not only worked in the individual hearts of the teenagers in our youth group but He brought us together as brothers and sisters in Christ and made friendships that will last forever. From laughing hysterically at Michael and Logan when they impersonated my brother and fed a chocolate malt/ rootbeer (Michael's wonderful idea) to a pillow named Bob, to crying with Erica who feel off a bike the second day of camp and got scraped up pretty badly, to the wonderful joy that we all felt in our hearts when we found out that Michael accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart on the last night of camp. He actually said that he couldn't remember if it was Thursday night or Friday morning because we had been going to bed so late every night.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

God bless

P.S. We just found out today that our Pastor's wife is going to have a baby. :D

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Gone For A Week

Hey everyone,

As I said in my previous post, Gabriel (my brother) and I will be at camp this coming week. Of course we will not have access to a computer, much less the internet. So, I just wanted to write a quick entry to say goodbye, for now. The reason I am writing it now is because we have a lot going on this week so I will probably not have time to do it later. Well, I need to go read. In about an hour or so I am going out with my mom and sister.

God bless

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Life of Hannah Summed Up Into One Entry

Hey everyone,

Yesterday I told you all that I would be writing a little bit about my life. Well, hang in there and here we go.

I was born in Virginia and when I was four years old my parents, older brother (Gabriel) and I moved to Romania as missionaries. We lived there for two years and during that time we came back to the States for our little sister (Holly) to be born. After our two years in Romania we lived in Alabama, and when I was nine years old we moved back to Romania and we lived there for five years. During our second term in Romania we started a church in our living room, made many friends that we consider family, learned the language and much more. In the spring of 2007 God moved us back to Virginia. We have lived here for two years now and we are members of a wonderful church. Gabriel and I work together at Arby's (as Costumer Service Associates) and we will both be seniors in high school this year. Many people have asked Gabriel and me if we are twins. Well, we're not twin, we are 18 or 19 months apart. The reason why people ask us that is because we are in the same grade. Our parents have homeschooled us pretty much our entire lives. So far this summer has been flying by and I have a feeling that it is only going to keep passing by very quickly. This coming week Gabriel and I will be at camp, so you won't get any entires, but stay tuned because I plan to post pictures when I get back. Thank you so much for reading my blog, may God bless you in every way.

God bless

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First Entry

Hello everyone,

My name is Hannah and I am a teenage girl who is striving to serve God in these dark times. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was six years old on my parents bed in Alabama. I am not new to blogging but I am new to Blog Spot. On this blog I plan to write entries mainly for tween and teen girls and young adult women. Everything that I write will be edifying and encouraging to others. I do not plan to speak on subjects such as movies, music, games (unless I find something worthy of talking about) and politics. I do believe that politics are important I just do not wish to talk about them here. The topics of which I do wish to speak about are things like, having a strong relationship with God, having a pure heart, becoming the godly woman that your future husband will want, good books to read, having a strong prayer life, etc. I hope that you will come back and visit very soon. In my next entry I plan to write a little bit about my life. I pray that God will bless you (Please leave a comment so that I can pray for you by name).

In Christ